Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

528 - Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History

67927 - The International Circulation of Economic and Legal Ideas

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
67927 - The International Circulation of Economic and Legal Ideas
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
528 - Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

See "Learning activities" and "Syllabus".

More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

  • Theoretical lectures.
  • Practical lectures.
  • Individual work.
  • Personal study.
  • Assessment activities.

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


I: A SINGLE HISTORY OR MORE THAN ONE? THE INTELLECTUAL HISTORY. 1. Why should Intellectual History be studied?. 2. Social History, Cultural History and Intellectual History. 3. Intellectual History, History of ideas and History of the concepts. 4. Intellectual History of the Social Sciences: Law, Politics and Economics.


II. THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION OF THE IDEAS. 1. The creation and the circulation of the ideas. 2. Why do the ideas on Economics, Law and Politics circulate internationally? 3. How do these ideas circulate? The main issues involved. 4. Different approaches: idealism vs. materialism; absolutism vs. relativism. 5. Ideas in their historical context. 6. The cultural transfer and the international flow of the ideas.


III. A STRATEGIC ELEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION OF THE IDEAS: THE TRANSLATION. 1. The translation and its plural nature. 2. Involved factors. 3. The agents: the translators. 4. The institutions. 5. Can the international circulation of ideas be measured?


IV. SOME KEY ISSUES OF THE INSTITUTIONAL AND INTELLECTUAL FRAMEWORK. 1. Censorship and freedom of the press. 2. The “public sphere”. 3. “Opinion” and “Public opinion”.


V. THE LEGAL AND ECONOMIC IDEAS AND THEIR INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION. 1. Dissemination, adaptation and active use of the ideas. 2. Theoretical approach vs. policy approach. 3. Academic culture vs. popularization and dissemination. 4. Educational context vs. political context. 5. Some theoretical models of the international flow of the economic ideas.


VI. ECONOMIC AND LEGAL THOUGHT DURING THE ABSOLUTISM: MAIN SCHOOLS. 1. The Absolutism: did it exist? 2. The economic and legal thought: the absoutist contractualism. 3. The Economic thought: the Scholasticism and the Mercantilism.


VII. ECONOMIC AND LEGAL THOUGHT DURING THE AGE OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT. MAIN SCHOOLS. 1. The democratic contractualism. 2. The Republic of virtue. 3. The Economic schools of the Age of the Enlightenment: from Cantillon to Smith. 4. The Physiocracy. 5. The Cameralism. 6. The Classical School. 7. Rights of the Man and Constitutional culture.


VIII. THE RECEPTION IN SPAIN OF THE MAIN SCHOOLS OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT (1600-1830). 1. The reception of the Mercantilism: the arbitrismo. 2. The Economic schools of the Age of the Enlightenment. 3. Receiving the Physiocracy. 4. The reception of the Classical School.


IX. THE "STRATEGIES OF ADAPTATION". SPECIFIC ANALYSIS OF THREE CASES OF INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION OF IDEAS: 1. The Spanish translation of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. 2. The Spanish translation of Gaetano Filangieri's Scienza della Legislazione. 3. The Spanish translation of Montesquieu's Esprit dex Lois.


X. CONCLUSION. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY IN THE LEGAL DISCOURSE: FROM THE OLD REGIME TO THE CONSTITUTIONALISM. 1. "Spirit of commerce" vs. "Spirit of conquest". 2. Crucial issues on Economics in the legal and political evolution of the Modern Age. 3. The intellectual discourse and the reality of the legislation: success and failure of the enlightened reform. 4. Towards the legal and political constitutional order.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza ( and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes:; Examination schedule:

More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources



Appleby, Joyce, Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1978.

Fuentes Quintana, Enrique, (ed.), Economía y Economistas españolesBarcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg - Círculo de Lectores, t. I (1999) : Una introducción al pensamiento económico ; t. II (2000): De los orígenes al mercantilismo; t. III (2000) : La Ilustración ; t. IV (2000) : La economía clásica ; t. IX (2004) :Cronología, bibliografía e índices.

Habermas, Jürgen, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: an Inquiry into a category of Bourgeois Society, Cambridge (MA), MIT Press, 1989.

Hont, Istvan Jealousy of Trade. International Competition and the Nation State in Historical Perspective, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2005.

Hont, Istvan y Ignatieff, Michael, (eds.), Wealth and Virtue: the Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Hutchison, Terence, Before Adam Smith. The Emergence of Political Economy, 1662-1776, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988.

Israel, Jonathan I., Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001; Enlightenment Contested. Philosophy, Modernity and the Emancipation of Man 1670-1752, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006; A Revolution of the Mind. Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy, Princeton-Oxford, Princeton Univesity Press, 2010.

Koselleck, Reinhart, Critique and Crisis. Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern Society, Oxford - New York - Hamburg, MIT Press, 1988.

Pocock, John G. A., The Machiavellian Moment. Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Political Tradition, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1975; Virtue, Commerce and History. Essays on Political Thought and History, chiefly in the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Porter, Roy, Teich, Mikulás, (éd.), The Enlightenment in National Context, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Robertson, John, The Case for the Enlightenment. Scotland and Naples 1680-1760, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Schumpeter, Joseph A., History of Economic Analysis, New York, Oxford University Press, 1954.

Tribe, Keith, Governing Economy: the Reformation of German Economic Discourse, 1750-1840, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Venturi, Franco, Settecento Riformatore, Turin, Einaudi, 1969-1990 (5 vol.)